Wednesday, September 14, 2005


They Smell Like Bacon, They Smell Like Greese...Yes the SF Police

By Allison Bloch, Staff Writer

Cops in San Francisco infuriate me.

As a barista in a local San Francisco Starbucks, I see them all the time. They come in quite often with their pants hiked up too high and their pot bellies requesting pastries before the words come out of their mouths.

About a week and a half ago I looked out the window while working to see two cop cars racing violently toward my work.

Excitedly my co-workers and I gathered around to see what the enthusiasm was about, only to have a regular customer enter the store complaining that the cops were simply speeding to Starbucks.

Why can’t cops get speeding tickets?

They’re always hiding out at the stop sign on Font and Lake Merced just waiting like vultures for an unsuspecting student to do a “California Roll” instead of the law-abiding full, complete stop.

I’ve been lucky so far and haven’t gotten a ticket yet…but I know many who haven’t been so lucky. However, it was just a few days ago when I noticed a cop himself doing a “California Roll” instead of stopping at a stop sign.

There’s no justice.

Whenever I need a cop I can’t find one, but they seem to pop up all over the place when I’m doing something wrong.

Long, long ago when I was in driver’s training we had to watch the video Red Asphalt. I remember the cop in the video explaining seatbelt safety when he wasn’t even wearing one himself.

It just doesn’t make sense.

I guess what I really need is to make friends with one of these donut lovers so I can have a chance to get out of a ticket if I get one.

But for now I’m keeping an extra close lookout because you never know when one of those vultures will be lingering at a stop sign.

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