Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Parents at Folsom Street Fair Should Have Hired a Babysitter

By Katherine Ambellan, Staff Writer

Whatever turns you on man, that’s all I gotta say.

So when I was at the Folsom Street Fair, it wasn’t the wieners and floppy vaginas that bothered me the most.

It was the unfit parents that brought their children to the Penis Parade 2005.

The Folsom Street Fair is an inappropriate place to take your children. And fuck you if you did. What types of values are you trying to teach your kids?

I don't care how "progressive" you are. Children don't need to see that. It's sick and it's walking child porn for all the exhibitionists who are getting slapped and caressing their balls.

It wasn't the naked man in the skull mask rubbing one out for the circle that had formulated around him that made me nauseous. It was the mother that was watching with a five-year-old child in a stroller. I admit, I watched for a minute, but I wonder if she stayed to see the climax.

I just think that when you bring a child that is anywhere from four to eight years old to a sex event, it sends the wrong message. You're saying it is totally alright to whip out your genitalia in public and touch yourself. In fact in any other city doing so would be illegal. It's called indecent exposure. Let us not forget Pee Wee Herman.

Hairy asses being slapped by fat, ugly dominatrix women and skinny men being dragged on a leash like dogs sounds like a great party for my kids! Screw Disneyland and the Cole Valley Street Fair!

I am appalled by the ignorance of parents who brought their kids. Hopefully at this year's fair they picked up some free condoms and stopped having kids to corrupt.

See related story at The Golden Gate [X]Press Online

tHis is no place to bring a kids!!! those parents should be ASHAMMED!
thsi si an outrage!!!http://www.flickr.com/photos/agreatnotion/47777165/
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