Wednesday, November 09, 2005


Unaffiliated and Proud

By Keka Robinson, staff writer

When entering college, young, fresh collegians often find themselves experimenting with new things. They begin to start peeling off the layers and discovering not who their families and friends think they are but their true selves. A school as free and open as SF State certainly feeds the desire of its students to explore new territory and tread the unbeaten path. Well, I am no exception to the trend and today, I’m coming out. I am not a liberal.

As a Black woman born in Berkeley and raised in the Bay Area, it’s pretty much predetermined and assumed that once you start forming your political opinion it will be a liberal one. At first, that’s how it was for me.

On my 18th birthday, I voted for the very first time. I can’t remember what was on the ballot but I’m sure my votes were democratic.

It went that way for a few years. An election would come up and I’d vote democratic. Then Al Gore ran for president and I was uneasy about his personality. But he was, in my eyes, a better choice than George W. Bush. So, reluctantly, I voted for him.

Then, in 2004, John Kerry came along and I really didn’t like him or his Catsup-peddling wife. But, again, I voted democratic and gave John Kerry the okay because I just can’t see myself voting for a former powder-head. Seriously, G.W. Bush is reminiscent of Rain Man.

Lately I’ve been listening to AM radio. There’s only so much 50 Cent I can tolerate before I am no longer able to tolerate FM radio. I have been listening to a lot of Jeff Katz and Michael Savage on KNEW talk 910 and I find myself understanding their points of view though not necessarily agreeing with them all the time.

This, coupled with my newfound fondness of Senator John McCain freaked me out. Was I becoming a liberal? Then, at the anti-military rally in Malcolm X Plaza two weeks ago, I had an epiphany.

As I stood in the midst of the crowd listening to “FREE PALESTINE!” and “KILLING IRAQIS IS NOT A CAREER!” as obvious dissenters dressed in AIR FORCE sweatshirts and waved Israeli flags in opposition it came to me.

I’m not a liberal nor am I a conservative.

I’m just me. Unaffiliated with any particular party especially the dominant two. Democrats, the party with no ideas and Republicans, the party with bad ideas.

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