Friday, October 06, 2006


A Customer is Always Right, Right?

Story by
Erika Estrada

Happy National Customer Service Week, everyone!

Didn't know? Well, neither did I.

The first week of October pays homage to those who have delightfully made our stay more welcome and our meals more enjoyable, while providing us with the hospitality we demand and oh-so deserve.


National customer service week, which Congress declared in 1992, is to commemorate and recognize the diligent, hardworking, and dedicated individuals and their efforts to provide customer satisfaction.

Yet according to an article from, the service isn't adequate enough.

The article states that 11 percent of cell phone customers took their business elsewhere because of poor service, 12 percent of wireline phone customers, 14 percent of bank customers, 15 percent of people with Internet accounts, and drumroll please... an astonishing 18 percent of retail customers.

As for someone who has some "expertise" in customer service, I understand why lousy service has been given.

I cannot reckon how many times customers have screamed at the top of their lungs because they wanted to sit at a different table. Or that time a customer shouted obscenities to me and my fellow co-workers because he couldn't wait 45 minutes. Oh, and I definitely can't forget the time a mayor threw his business card at me, thinking that would abbreviate his wait time.

Don't be mistaken, I don't condone poor service, but I do understand both sides, as a consumer and provider.

So the next time you go out to eat, think twice about constantly hounding your waiter, or you might just find a delightful surprise in your drink, courtesy of customer service.

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