Thursday, October 26, 2006


Just Say No to Liquid 'Cocaine'

Story by
Bernadette Blanco

It seems that there is always a new energy drink coming out claiming to be better and trendier than the rest. First there was Red Bull and then Rock Star, and then a slew of drinks appeared: Monster, Sobe Adrenaline, Pimp Juice, Crunk, Hyphy Grapple and the list goes on.

Last month, Redux, a beverage company from Las Vegas, came out with a controversial energy drink called “The Legal Alternative: Cocaine Energy Drink Sold Here." According to a recent article from the San Jose Mercury News, the drink “Cocaine” claims to have 18 grams of sugar and 350 percent more caffeine than Red Bull, which has 80 milligrams of caffeine. And just when you thought it was bad enough, the drink also contains a throat numbing-substance that mimics the effect of the real drug.

The disturbing drink angered many parents and so several stores like 7-Eleven are boycotting the drink until it changes its name. Yet, despite the controversy, “Cocaine” has been a best-seller among teenagers.

That comes to no surprise. What better way for teens to rebel than to buy an energy drink that’s gained negative attention among parents. And what’s worse, a majority of the young consumers are girls. Why? Maybe these young girls think that by buying “Cocaine,” they can emulate the party-going lifestyle of their favorite celebrities Lindsay Lohan or Nicole Ritchie, who are rumored to use the drug cocaine. It’s really pathetic.

I have never tried “Cocaine,” but I will drink a Red Bull occasionally when I’m up late trying to finish a paper or if I just need a pick-me-up, but there are certainly potential health risks.

With its high levels of caffeine and sugar, several countries in Europe have strict regulations on energy drinks. A British supermarket does not sell Red Bull to teens under 16 years old, and in Denmark, Norway, Uraguay, and France, Red Bull is considered a medicine because it contains taurine.

If they think Red Bull is bad, I wonder what they would think about “Cocaine.”

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