Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Nightlife with Saira

by Saira Masood, [X]press Online

Trader Sam's (Richmond district)

In the Richmond district, at 26th avenue and Geary, there is hole in the wall dive bar with drinks that have big kick.

You won’t miss Trader Sam’s because of it’s neon red lights that line the windows and the crowd of smokers grouped together outside.

The first thing I did when I got there was buy the infamous scorpion bowl. It is a mix of five different types of alcohol, champagne and tropical juices. This tropical wonder is served in a large bowl with several straws and is meant for sharing. So bring a few friends unless you want to be singing into toilet at the end of the night. The bar is Indonesian themed and is pretty lively for a dive bar.

This bar caters to a not-so-rowdy crowd, who wants to have a strong drink at the end of a hard day.

I had to stand for a while when I first got there because all of the table were taken. The bar has bar minimal seating of a few tables and couches for patrons and of course bar stools. There is also a jut box that plays everything from J.Lo to Journey. I of course chose some Journey to spice things up a little and get the crowd singing.

The bar is crowded on most nights and always promises a good time. Dancing is reserved for those who have had one too many, but it is not looked down upon. I think that Trader Sam’s is a perfect dive bar to meet some locals and relax in the Richmond.

Ruby Skye (Union Square/Downtown)

There is a place, in the middle of a busy square, amongst perfect strangers where you can go to dance and drink for a little too much money

Ruby Skye is located at 420 Mason Street in Union Square. It is a place to bring out of towners or to celebrate a party or just to have an excuse to dress up and go out and spend some dough.

When I got to this club I had to wait in line for a considerable amount of time. Unless you know the bouncers plan on paying a twenty dollar entrance fee or you can get around it. I went on line a few days ahead of time and put my name on the list!

After crossing the threshold, I stepped into the club world, where everyone is half naked and bumpin’ and grindin’.

Pink and purple lights flash against circular, plush white couches, and spotlights focus on trapeze artists that are somersaulting above the dance floor.

Upstairs there is a V.I.P. section that is almost impossible to get into, unless you are famous or have enough money to buy a hundred dollar bottle of alcohol for each of the five tables in the room.

The upper level also caters to a smoking box and the room has one window for fifty smokers. Also, there is a D.J. playing more house music.

The club does have a good selection of house music and brings in different D.J.’s from all over the country to mix and spin.

I thought that Ruby Skye had a good clubin’ atmosphere and lots of people come there to dance and meet strangers.

The house music can be tiresome after a while and I found my self trying to dance, but really just jumping up and down. I had trouble holding a decent conversation without getting humped across the dance floor.

Drinks are also hard to get because there is only a few bar tenders and everyone is fighting for their attention. If you do manage to score a drink, don’t be surprised when the tab turns out to be ten dollars a drink.

All and all it takes a certain party lover to appreciate Ruby Skye… If there is nothing else to do I’ll go, but I’m not paying the cover.

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